You know you have skills. You know you have talent. You've achieved things in the past.
But now... now...
Something is holding you back.
That something is you.
You've asked yourself, "What will people think?"
You've wondered, "What if I fail?"
You've listened to your critics. And the loudest one is inside your own head. Perhaps it's a voice from your childhood telling you that you're ordinary. Perhaps your own voice has been telling you that for many years, so that you don't have to risk, you don't have to try, and can lazily accept "an ordinary life".
But what if that voice is wrong? What if you really are a unique bundle of skills, talents and emotions? What if the world is just waiting for you to become your best you to present you with what you truly deserve? How can you break through the fear barrier and develop more confidence in yourself?
As Nike would say, "Just do it". But sometimes we need help. A catalyst.
One-to-one coaching could be what you need, or perhaps just a long chat with a friend who will push you to be what they know you can be.
Attending a group workshop gives you a safe space to tell others what you're afraid of. And to meet some people who can become an informal "action learning" group, as you support each other beyond the workshop.
So, here is your homework assignment:
Before you go to bed tonight, write down the area of life where you'd like more confidence (eg better presentations at work). Then, say aloud 10 times an affirmation which takes you in the right direction. (eg "I'm working hard to give great presentations at work"). Giving yourself permission to do well, and giving yourself credit for the effort your making can make a huge difference to how you feel.
And, if you still need more help, our workshop on May 31st, or 1-1 coaching sessions are here to take your confidence to the next level. Who could you be if you believed in yourself? You owe it to yourself to find out.